Top-Seal White™ dust control product was tested on a military tank trail located at Fort Hood, Texas. Top-Seal White™ competed with many industry leading brands and resulted very unfortunate for them as you will see the pictures speak louder.Our product Top-Seal White™ sits on the leading edge of technology for products specifically designed with dust control, road dust control, soil stabilization, erosion control soil permeability enhancement as the end objective. For more information regarding Top-Seal White please visit our main product page.
Our Fugitive Dust products are the only ones that stood up to the tanks
Before Our Dust Control products were applied
After Our Dust Control Products were applied
The following pictures will show how well our product can be expected to perform in an extremely challenging environment. The photos were taken approximately six weeks after an initial application of our dust control products and after many days of thunderstorm activity and heavy tank traffic.
Competitor #1 Dust Control Product results:
Competitor #2 Dust Control Product results:
Competitor #3 Dust Control Product results: Top-Seal White™ – Our Dust Control Products work
There is no damage to our surface as only black tire marks are visible from sudden braking, our competitor started to fail after the first test.
Our Dust Control products stay tough
Soon it was obvious that our product had what it took to take care of not only the Dust abatement but the soil stabilization to prevent the destruction of the road due to heavy tank traffic.
Haul Road Dust Control
Our Haul Road Dust Control products are for extreme conditions where dust abatement is more difficult for other products due to the higher and heavier traffic This program uses higher concentrations of our Dust Suppression Sealant and Stabilizer, Top-Seal White ™, to control dust pollution on haul roads or any other area with extremely heavy traffic, such as truck parking lots and staging areas.
The Program uses our proprietary product Top-Seal ™, as a powerful, environmentally safe, liquid soil binder that permanently attaches itself to dust particles and tightly binds them together so that they will be heavy and rendered incapable of becoming airborne. Simply dilute Top-Seal White ™, with water in a water truck, then evenly distributed into the soil. A curing process will irreversibly transform a mixture of our dust control formula Top-Seal White ™, dust, and aggregate into a permanently hardened membrane. Occasional maintenance applications, as needed, will control dust pollution on a permanent basis. The maintenance program for the Dust abatement with Top-Seal White ™, is a simple reapplication of a higher dilution. These maintenance applications will allow you to maintain dust control for years to come. Visit our Top-Seal White ™, Haul Road Dust Control products Page
The following images will show you results that are possible with our Top Seal White ™, Dust Control Abatement on a major Road in north Texas Before Our Top Seal White™ ApplicationOur Haul Road Dust Control Products On the cover of Aggregates Manager, The Picture was taken Six Months after the initial application
Featured on the cover of Aggregates Manager, a re-labeled version of our product Top-Seal ™, was internationally recognized for its excellent performance in controlling dust pollution on a major haul road in North Texas, USA. The “Before” photo shows the haul road prior to treatment with this product, and the magazine cover shows the same road approximately 6 months later, Our Dust Control Products Work